vineri, 29 iunie 2012

The Song of the Day....29.06.2012

It's Friday...week-end I'm very dynamic, happy and full of energy.
This time we should spend it with family and friends.
Today I declare I'll be there for you - The Rembrandts' song, the song 
of the day!
Have a nice week-end everybody and Live your life in the Rhythm of Music!

Get to know me TAG

My friend, Andrea, tagged me to complete an interesting questionnaire . So here are my answers:

1. Who is your favorite superhero? Why?
My favorite superhero was, in my childhood, Wonder Woman, because she fought for peace, justice and I liked a lot her powerful bracelets.

2. What is your favorite magazine?


3. Have you ever lived abroad?
No, but I wish I can relocate with my family.
4. If you could only wear one accessory (bracelet, earring, necklace, etc) for the rest of your life, what would you wear?
If I could wear only one accessory, I think, I will choose earrings.
5.  Do you own any animals?
6. How do you know when it's true love?
It's hard to know if it's true love or not. Only time can answer to this question. If you still have butterflies in your stomach, after many years of living together, after facing the daily problems, then, for sure, it's true love. 

7. As for perfume... floral, fruity, foodie, other?

I like fresh floral and fruity fragrances.

8. Do you have a favorite store to shop at for clothes?

I don't use to shop from just one store. I like stores and malls, so for me it's difficult to choose just one.

9. What blogging habit gets on your nerves?

I don't like when my comment has to be approved by the author, also I dislike when I follow people and they don't follow me back.

10. What type of music do you like listening to? Any favorite artists or songs? 

I like almost all types of music: rock, gothic rock, pop, jazz, classical , bossa nova, dance, alternative music and regarding to my favorite artist or song, I can't say just one name. I like Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, The Cure, R.E.M., HIM, Morrissey,  Stan Getz, Astrud Gilberto, Gianna Nannini, Shakira, Nena Daconti, Amaral...and so many others.
It's hard for me to pick one, because I love music.

11. Are you satisfied with your job?
Currently, yes I'm satisfied with my jobs!

The questionnaire can be taken by anyoane, but this time I tag  the next friends bloggers:
Roxana C - RussianGirl

joi, 28 iunie 2012

The Song of the Day...28.06.2012

Inspired by the previous post "Anna Karenina", I'm in the mood to listen some classical music...So I declare Moonlight Sonata (Piano Sonata No. 14 ) the song of the day !
Moonlight Sonata is a piano sonata, composed by Ludwing van Beethoven and dedicated to his pupil Giulietta Guicciardi. 
Giulietta is probably "the enchanting girl", about whom he wrote to a friend in 16 November 1808 that is the person who had changed Beethoven's life with her love.
Unfortunately, they'd never got married, but from their love has remained Moonlight Sonata.

I like it a lot because we almost feel the passion, love, resignation of these two lovers, who'd never fulfilled their love.
Enjoy it and till next time...Live Your Life in the Rhythm of Music!

Anna Karenina

Hello again!
As I said in my first post, I like reading books, but unfortunately, I don't have enough time as I wish.
So, when I feel the need to read, but I don't have so much time, I'm looking for a movie inspired from  classic novels written by important authors.
It's not the case of Anna Karenina, because I had the opportunity to read it twice and I enjoyed it every time, and also, I saw the movie...but so many details and scenes of the book are lost in the movie.

The novel Anna Karenina was written by the Russian author Lev Tolstoy and was published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger.

The novel is considered one of the greatest novel of the Universal Literature, because it describes the tragedy of married aristocrat and socialite Anna who falls in love with Count Vronsky, describes also the  Russian Upper Class Society, real events to lend greater verisimilitude to the fictional events of the story, the emotional struggle of other character, Levin who wants to marry Kitty and his  proposes was refused twice and the Russia political situation.

Tolstoy approached themes of hypocrisy, fidelity, jealousy, marriage, passion and the agrarian connection to land. He compare the simplicity of a life in village (Levin) with theextravagant city life style ( Anna, Count Vronsky, princess Betsy).
It's a romantic story...and I'm sure that everybody knows the end of Anna Karenina, but
I think it deserves to be read it for all the details, all the descriptions of settings and each character's feature, gesture, feeling.

I hope you'll like it!

Till next time...Live Your Life in the Rhythm of Music!!!!!! 

luni, 25 iunie 2012

The Song of the Day 25.06.2012

Three years have passed after the death of legendary singer and dancer Michael RIP Michael and I think that this song deserves to be the song of the day! 
What do you think?
Au trecut 3 ani de la decesul legendarului cantaret si dansator Michael Jackson ...Odihneste-te in pace, Michael! Cred ca aceasta piesa merita sa fie piesa zile!
Voi ce spuneti?

vineri, 22 iunie 2012

The song of the day...22.06.2012

Here I am very happy because in 3 hours my week-end will start.
So today, being Friday, I couldn't resist the temptation of declaring 
the song " Friday, I'm in love", the song of the day!
Friday I'm in love was included on the album Wish (1992) and  
won the award for European Viewer's Choice for Best Music Video 
( VMA 1992).

Iata-ma foarte bucuroasa ca in 3 ore o sa-mi inceapa week-endul.
Prin urmare, nu am rezistat tentatiei de a declara piesa "Friday, I'm
in love", piesa zilei!
Friday I'm in love a fost inclusa pe albumull Wish (1992) si a castigat 
premiul pentru cel mai bun clip la VMA (1992).

Interesting Fact
During the writing process of this song, Robert Smith became paranoid 
thinking that he heard this song before. So he called all his musician friends 
and played the song for them, but the conclusion was that was 
Robert's song.
Hope you will enjoy it!!!!
Fapt divers
Robert Smith in timp ce compunea piesa a devenit paranoic, crezand ca a 
mai ascultat-o candva.Pentru a dezlega misterul si-a sunat prietenii muzicieni 
si le-a cerut sa asculte piesa si sa-si spuna parerea...ii apartine sau nu...
Concluzia a fost ca piesa ii apartinea.
Sper sa va placa!!!

I, personally, love it ! It's one of my favorite songs for so many reasons.
It's  The Cure masterpiece and I adore Robert Smith' s voice. It is, 
unusually, happy and reminds me of good friends and funny moments 
from my youth.
Nice week-end everybody and till next time......
Live your life in the rhythm of music!!

Eu, personal, o ador! Este una din piesele preferate, din foarte multe motive.
Apartine formatiei The Cure si ador vocea lui Robert Smith. 
Cantecul este neobisnuit de vesel si imi aminteste de prieteni buni si momente 
haioase din tinerete.
Week-end placut tuturor si pana data viitoare...............
Traieste-ti viata in ritmul muzicii!!!

miercuri, 20 iunie 2012

The song of the day...20.06.2012

After so much rain, finally...the sun has started to shine. I am happy that is summer...but...
there is a shines so bad that the air is so hot outside and it's hard to breath it.
Unfortunately, I had to go out to buy something to eat, and in the moment I made my 
first steps outside,  I felt like someone hit me with a baseball bat., I have no energy.
I've returned to office, but I'm not in the mood to do anything, and I'm feeling guilty for my 
laziness, which is almost similar as in the song "Je ne veux pas travailler" ( I don't want 
to work ) that you can find it below.
I hope you'll like it! :)
Till next time......when I'll be more active...Live your life in the rhythm of the music!!!

Dupa multa ploaie, in sfarsit, s-a aratat si soarele. Sunt bucuroasa ca este vara, dar...
exista un dar...soarele straluceste prea tare, iar aerul este fierbinte si dificil de respirat.
Din pacate, am fost nevoita sa ies pentru a-mi cumpara un sandwich si, in momentul in
care am facut primii pasi afara, am simtit ca si cum cineva m-a lovit cu o bata de baseball 
in plina figura .
M-am intors la birou, dar nu mai am chef de nimic. Ma incearca ceva sentimente de 
culpabilitate pentru lenea, care este aproape similara cu cea descrisa in cantecul 
"Je ne veux pas travailler" ( Nu vreau sa muncesc) de mai jos.
Sper ca o sa va placa :)
Pana data urmatoare, cand voi fi mai energica...Traieste-ti viata in ritmul muzicii!!!

marți, 19 iunie 2012

Alba Iulia, Romania

I chose to write about Alba Iulia because for me, this city represents "home",  because this place is "tattooed" in my heart so I don't have a choice, but only to promote my city, because it has an interesting and rich history, and  recently, it started to have an European face.

Am ales sa scriu despre Alba Iulia datorita faptului ca pentru mine acest oras inseamna "acasa", pentru ca acest loc este puternic "tatuat" in  inima mea si, prin urmare, nu am cum sa nu-i fac lobby, pentru ca are o istorie interesanta, iar mai nou, incepe sa prinda forma unui oras, cu adevarat european.

Alba Iulia, also known as  Apulum (Roman time) and Balgrad (White Fortress Slavonic language - Middle Ages) is situated on the river Mures, Transylvania, Romania to a distance of 352 km from Bucharest.
There are many things to write about the history of this city, but I will present only a few events that took place here:

1. After defeating the Dacians by the Romans (106 BC), Legio XIII Gemina was stationed here and the  Roman soldiers started the extension works of the old Dacian fortification;

Alba Iulia, cunoscuta si sub denumirile de Apulum (perioada romana) si Balgrad ( Cetatea Alba in limba slavona - evul mediu) este situata pe malul raului Mures, in zona Transilvaniei, Romania la o distanta de 352 km de Bucuresti.
Ar fi multe de scris despre istoria acestui oras, insa ma voi rezuma doar la cateva evenimente desfasurate aici:

1. Dupa infrangerea dacilor de catre romani(106 a.Ch.), Legiunea XIII Gemina a stationat in acest loc, soldatii romani, incepand lucrarile de extindere a vechii fortificatii dacice.Urmele prezentei romane pot fi observate in ruinele zidului cetatii.

2. In 1199 appears the name of Alba Iulia (Alba city of Gyula) the residence of the Catholic Diocese of Transylvania and later the capital of the Principality of  Transylvania;

2. In 1199 apare sub denumirea de Alba Iulia ( Cetatea Alba a lui Gyula) fiind resedinta a Episcopiei Catolice a Transilvaniei si ulterior, capitala a Principatului Transilvaniei.

3. On November 1, 1599, Michael the Brave entered  Alba Iulia, and after he unified Vallachia with Moldavia and Transylvania, he settled the capital of the new state in this city;

4. On December 1, 1918, Romanians from Transylvania, Moldavia, Vallachia, Banat and Bocovina came to Alba Iulia to proclaim the union of all these regions under the name of Romania.

5. Also, in 1922,  Ferdinand I was crowned king of Romania, in this beautiful city.

3. La 1 noiembrie 1599, Mihai Viteazul a intrat in Alba Iulia, de unde a condus cele 3 tari romanesti - Moldova, Ardeal si Tara Romaneasca -

4. La 1 Decembrie 1918, la Alba Iulia a avut loc Marea Adunare Nationala, in urma careia s-au unit Bucovina, Banatul si Transilvania cu Tara Romaneasca.

5. In 1922, Alba Iulia a fost martora la ceremonia de incoronare a regelui Ferdinand I si a reginei Maria.
I had pointed only some moments of the vast history of Alba Iulia, leaving you to discover other interesting things, when you will do the track of The 3 Fortifications, or when you will visit the National History Museum of Unification, Batthyaneum Library, St. Michael's Cathedral and last but not least, The Reunification Cathedral, all of these being situated in the White Citadel- Carolina. 

I posted the link that contains a virtual tour of the Citadel of Alba Iulia City Hall site

Am punctat doar cateva momente din vasta istorie a acestei urbe, restul lasandu-va pe voi sa descoperiti, cand veti face Traseul celor 3 fortificatii, sau cand veti vizita Muzeul de Istorie, Sala Mare a Unirii, biblioteca Batthyaneum, Catedrala Romano- Catolica Sf. Mihail si nu in ultimul rand Catedrala Reintregirii,  toate aflndu-se in Cetatea Alba Carolina.

Am postat link-ul ce contine turul virtual al Cetatii de pe site-ul primariei Alba Iulia

Useful information
- A normal bus ticket or double deck - 1.8 Lei / hour

- Hotel: - single room - 30 Euro (breakfast and VAT included)

             -double room - 36 Euro (breakfast and VAT included)

- Normal sized pizza - 3.5 Euro

-  Beer - the price starts from  1,12 Euro

-  Pool ticket (June 15-September 15) - children, students - 1,5 Lei
                                                             - adults - 3 Lei

Informatii utile:

- 1 bilet de autobuz normal sau double deck - 1,8 Lei / ora
-  hotel -single room - 30 Euro (mic dejun + TVA incluse in pret)
             -double room - 36 Euro (mic dejun + TVA incluse in pret)
- pizza marime normala  - 3,5  Euro
- bere de la  1,12 Euro
- bilet strand (15 iunie- 15 septembrie) - copii, elevi, studenti - 1, 5 Lei biletul de intrare
                                                           - adulti - 3 Lei biletul de intrare

City Days are celebrated, every year between May 25 to 28, event which is  attended by prominent guests, artists, musicians, dance ensembles and theater.

So, if you haven't participated in this year to the City Celebration, I'm sure you will attend it next year.

The pictures are taken for different sites and from here, because they have a better quality. 

I hope I have convinced you to visit my hometown and until next time ... Live your life in the rhytm  of music!!!!!

Intre 25- 28 mai se organizeaza Zilele Orasului, la care participa invitati de marca, artisti plastici, muzicieni, ansambluri de dans si trupe de teatru
Asa ca, daca n-ati participat in acest an la sarbatoarea orasului, sunt singura ca in anul urmator, cu siguranta nu o veti rata :).

Fotografiile postate sunt  luate de aici, deoarece sunt la o calitate buna.

Sper ca v-am convins sa-mi vizitati orasul de bastina si..........pana data urmatoare.......
Traieste-ti viata in ritmul muzicii!!!!

miercuri, 13 iunie 2012


After 9 months of waiting, here it comes my first blog, where I want to write about all that I like, about what  I love to do, about the things that make me say, at the end of the day...Hey, Life is wonderful!!!
Nowadays, the rhythm of our life brings us pleasant or less pleasant situations, dilemmas or questions,
which seems that have no solutions...and even we're facing all these, we realize that life is beautiful, because it is spiced with "the sound of music"
So, music is one of my blog's topic, even if  I'm just an amateur.
But what is music without reading books, without art, without beautiful places?

I consider that between all these there is a close connection here I am revealing other topics that
I will approach in my blog.

In the future, maybe I will discover that I have new hobbies, which  will be posted here.
Till next time, I say to you: Live your life in the rhythm of music!!!! ;-)

Dupa o asteptare indelungata, de aproximativ 9 luni de zile, iata ca incepe sa se contureze ceea ce se vrea a fi un mic jurnal web, in care voi aborda lucrurile care ma pasioneaza, imi sunt dragi si care ma determina sa-mi spun, la sfarsitul fiecarei zile ca viata este frumoasa. Ritmul vietii de zi cu zi ne pune in multe situatii placute sau mai putin placute, ne scoate in fata dileme, probleme, care uneori par a nu avea cu toate acestea viata este frumoasa pentru ca este "condimentata" cu sunetul muzicii. 
Prin urmare, muzica este una din temele pe care le voi aborda, desi nu sunt o "specialista" in domeniu.
Dar ce ar fi muzica fara lectura, fara arta, fara locuri care iti incanta ochii?
Consider ca toate sunt strans legate intre ele si ...uite asa am mai dezvaluit alte teme ce vor fi abordate. Pe parcurs, poate imi voi descoperi si alte hooby-uri, interese, pe care le voi posta in acest blog.
Acestea fiind scrise...pana data viitoare, va spun...Traieste-ti viata in ritmul muzicii!!! ;-)