joi, 29 noiembrie 2012

Hand made earrings!!!! Pendientes hecho a mano!!!

Hello my dear friends!
I'm sorry that  I didn't write lately on my blog, but I had a terrible and busy week and I wasn't in the mood to post anything!
I will catch-up with all your news, because tomorrow is a holiday in my country so it's a free legal day :).
Even if  I didn't post anything this week I worked with my little sister to our first hand-made earrings.
I post some pictures of the earrings and I hope you will be indulgent with our first creations...hope you like them :).

I received from my friend Marcela from Spain a beautiful award. Thank you so much, Marcela!
I invite you to visit her blog if you are a big fan of fashion, beauty and art.

My awarded blogs are
Thank you for your friendship and for following my blog!
I dedicate all of you the song that appeared in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" movie and I am sure that you know it very well :) coz we love Audrey Hepburn, right??????.
The song's name is Moon River! Enjoy it and till next time...Live Your Life in the Rhythm of Music!!!!

vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012

The Song of the Day...23.11.2012

Hello my friends!
It's Black Friday in my country, so I'm preparing for haunting good prices for clothes, photo camera and make- up. I'm sure that my list will change when I get in malls :-P.
I choose for today Use Somebody played by Kings of Leon, an American rock band, formed in Nashville, Tennessee.
This song reached No. 1 on the Hot Modern Rock Tracks charts.
I hope you like it and till next time... Live Your Life in the Rhythm of Music!!!!!

Hola  amigos!
Es Viernes Negra en mi país, así que me estoy preparando para que frecuentan los buenos precios para la ropa, cámara de fotos y el maquillaje. Estoy segura de que mi lista va a cambiar cuando me meto en centros comerciales :-P.
Yo elijo Use Somebody esta interpretado  por  Kings of Leon, una banda de rock de Estados Unidos, formada en Nashville, Tennessee.
Esta canción fue número 1 en la lista Hot Modern Rock Tracks clasificación.
Espero que os guste y hasta la próxima ... Vivid Vuestra Vida  al Ritmo de la Música!!!

Have a great week-end!
Feliz fin de semana!!

marți, 20 noiembrie 2012

The Song of the Day...20.11.2012

Hello my friends!
I heard in a TV dancing contest the song of the day, which ,in my opinion, is brilliant.
I don't know if you will like it...maybe I'm so impressed because I saw a couple dancing tango on Mil Pasos. Yes..this is the title of the song.
Mil Pasos is played by Soha, a French- Algerian singer who mingle jazz with soul, blues and latino- american music. It's something different, it's very original.
Unfortunately, Soha doesn't have a clip yet, but I hope this is not a problem for the music' lovers.
Do you like it? 

Till next time, have a great day and Live Your Life in the Rhythm of Music!!!!

Hola amigos!

Escuché en un concurso de baile en televisión la canción del día, lo que, en mi opinión, es brillante.
No sé si te gustará ... tal vez estoy tan impresionada, porque vi una pareja bailando tango en Mil Pasos. Sí. .. este es el título de la canción.
Mil Pasos está interpretado por Soha, una cantante franco-argelina que se mezclan el jazz con el soul, el blues y latino-americano. Es algo diferente y muy original.
Desafortunadamente, Soha no tiene un videoclip todavía, pero espero que esto no sea un problema para los amantes de la música.
¿Te gusta?
Hasta la próxima vez, que tengas un buen día y Vivid Vuestra Vida al Ritmo de la Música!!

vineri, 16 noiembrie 2012

The Song of the Day...16.11.2012

Hello my friends!
After a long absence, here I am, posting another song that it's on my playlist on youtube.
It's played by The Cranberries  and it's called Dreams.

Hope you like it!
Have a great week-end everybody!
Feliz finde!!!!
Week-end placut!

Bicoloured tig...from Norway!!!!

Hello my friends!
I've received from Minnie,, a nice and funny game, few days ago!
I'm supposed to answer some questions about me and then I have to nominate other 3 persons to do the same.
I have to confess that it was fun and in the same time made me meditate and do an inner introspection.
I nominate for  this game Marcela, Nicoleta and Andrea.

Also, my  friend Marcela,, sent me these wonderful awards. Thank you!!!

I give them to the following blogs:

Thank you for your friendship and for following my blog!!!

Here are the answers:

 Sign: Pieces
I would like:   to be more couraugeous
I keep : small things with emotional value
I don't like: rude people
I'm afraid of : wild animals
I'm hearing right now: Guns & Roses - November rain on the radio
I regret : that I hurried to grow up
I like to: watch movies, read and chat with my friends
I'm not: very organised. My motto is "in any chaos there is a logical order"
Do I dance: yes, I dance .
I've never: made bungee-jumping
Hair color: dark brown
I cry: when I remeber the close ones who are gone
I'm not always: sleepy in the morning
I don't like to myself: that sometimes I'm too serious. 
I'm angry when: people doesn't have patience to listen the other point of view.
I'm confused: when it's too peace & quiet 
I feel safe: allmost all the time
I need: a vacation.
I should: be more organised

vineri, 9 noiembrie 2012

The Song of the Day...09.11.2012

Hello my friends!
The song of the day was chosen by my hubby. He is a big fan of "Shiny Toy Guns" so he asked me to post their newest single " Walking alone" from their new album.
Shiny Toy Guns is an American rock, indie-pop band formed in Los Angeles, California, in 2002.
Their first album " We are Pilots" was released in 2006, after they recorded it two previous times. The song "We are Pilots" was nominated for a Grammy award.
Seeing how much my husband likes this band, I make an exception and post  two songs of  one of his favorite band.
Have a nice week-end and till next time... Live Your life in the Rhythm of Music!!!!!!

joi, 8 noiembrie 2012

Cadourile perfecte se gasesc la Energicshops

Buna fetelor!
Mai e foarte putin pana in Decembrie- luna cadourilor si, ca de obicei, incerc sa gasesc, inca de pe acum darurile perfecte pentru cei dragi. Nu imi place sa las totul pe ultima suta de metri, asa ca folosindu-ma de tact si diplomatie reusesc sa aflu intotdeauna ce isi doreste fiecare membru al familiei mele.
Anul acesta, a fost mai simplu in ceea ce il priveste pe sotul meu. Am constatat ca are nevoie de un pulover elegant, clasic, nici prea gros, nici prea subtire si l-am gasit. Unde? La magazinul online Energicshops!
Aici am gasit o gama variata de articole vestimentare adresata atat domnilor care prefera stilul clasic, cat si domnilor indrazenti care doresc tinute in pas cu tendintele 2012-2013.

Pentru sotul meu am gasit la categoria pulovere barbati, un model care, consider ca i se potriveste. Prin natura meseriei, sotul meu trebuie sa fie elegant si sa prezinte seriozitate, prin urmare am optat pentru acest pulover din bumbac, de culoare maro, cu decolteu la baza gatului si maneci cu terminatii striate. este simplu, elegant si clasic, asa cum ii place lui. a fost sursa mea de inspiratie si ma bucur mult ca mi-a usurat munca, aducandu-mi la cunostinta faptul ca exista un magazin on-line, unde raportul calitate- pret este foarte bun, iar shopping-ul este facil, se realizeza din comfortul casei tale. 
Un alt aspect demn de luat in seama este promptitudinea cu care se raspunde comenzilor:
- In cazul in care comanda ferma este trimisa pana in ora 15:00, produsul va ajunge la destinatie in 24 de ore;
- In situatia in care comanda este trimisa dupa ora 15:00, produsul va ajunge la client in 48 de ore.
In concluzie, dragile mele prietene, daca doriti, de sarbatori, sa va surprindeti in mod placut partenerul, incercati articolele vestimentare de la Energicshops.

miercuri, 7 noiembrie 2012

The Song of the Day...07.11.2012

Hello my friends!
This is a quick post showing you the song that obsessed me the entire week-end!
The song's title is Rain Rain and it's played by a Romanian singer, Loredana. She's a kind of diva here and I admire her because, despite her age, she tries to be fashionista, she keeps up with these changeable trends.
One thing, please have patience till the song starts, because it has a long intro :-P
Hope you like the song and hope you have a sunny sunny day!
Till next time....Live your Life in the Rhythm of Music!!!!

joi, 1 noiembrie 2012

The Song of the Day...01.11.2012

Hello my friends and Happy Halloween!
Being Halloween, I choose Michael Jackson's Thriller to be the Song of the Day. 
Besides the fact that Thriller has a great video and Michael is enjoying playing a werewolf, I consider it's a great song for this period! So any zombie, vampire or werewolf visited you last night?
I hope you had a great Halloween!
Till next time....Live Your Life in the Rhythm of Music!!!!

Hola mis amigos y feliz Halloween!
Ser Halloween, elijo Thriller de Michael Jackson para ser el cancion del día.
Además del hecho de que Thriller tiene un gran video y Michael está disfrutando de actuar en un hombre lobo, considero que es un gran canción para este período! Así que cualquier zombie, vampiro o un hombre lobo se visitó ayer por la noche?
Espero que hayan tenido un Halloween muy bueno!
Hasta la próxima .... Vive Tu Vida en El Ritmo de la Música!!