Here I am very happy because in 3 hours my week-end will start.
So today, being Friday, I couldn't resist the temptation of declaring
the song " Friday, I'm in love", the song of the day!
Friday I'm in love was included on the album Wish (1992) and
won the award for European Viewer's Choice for Best Music Video
( VMA 1992).
Iata-ma foarte bucuroasa ca in 3 ore o sa-mi inceapa week-endul.
Prin urmare, nu am rezistat tentatiei de a declara piesa "Friday, I'm
in love", piesa zilei!
Friday I'm in love a fost inclusa pe albumull Wish (1992) si a castigat
premiul pentru cel mai bun clip la VMA (1992).
Interesting Fact
During the writing process of this song, Robert Smith became paranoid
thinking that he heard this song before. So he called all his musician friends
and played the song for them, but the conclusion was that was
Robert's song.
Hope you will enjoy it!!!!
Fapt divers
Fapt divers
Robert Smith in timp ce compunea piesa a devenit paranoic, crezand ca a
mai ascultat-o candva.Pentru a dezlega misterul si-a sunat prietenii muzicieni
si le-a cerut sa asculte piesa si sa-si spuna parerea...ii apartine sau nu...
Concluzia a fost ca piesa ii apartinea.
Sper sa va placa!!!
I, personally, love it ! It's one of my favorite songs for so many reasons.
It's The Cure masterpiece and I adore Robert Smith' s voice. It is,
unusually, happy and reminds me of good friends and funny moments
from my youth.
Nice week-end everybody and till next time......
Live your life in the rhythm of music!!
Eu, personal, o ador! Este una din piesele preferate, din foarte multe motive.
Apartine formatiei The Cure si ador vocea lui Robert Smith.
Cantecul este neobisnuit de vesel si imi aminteste de prieteni buni si momente
haioase din tinerete.
Week-end placut tuturor si pana data viitoare...............
Traieste-ti viata in ritmul muzicii!!!
niceeee sooong for this day :))!!
ȘtergerePoate facem un karaoke azi...hmmm?
Weekend, yeeeees! Daca tot faceti Karaoke sa o si inregistrati si astept la urmatoarea ta postare varianta vostra de Friyday I'm in love :)!
RăspundețiȘtergereFacem Karaoke, dar de inregistrat si postat, nu cred ca poate fi cazul.
ȘtergereE de ajuns sa ne stresam vecinii :))))
Bonita canción!!!! hablas muy bien el español!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereQue tengas un hermoso fin de semana, guapa!
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Gracias Marcela!
ȘtergereBuen fin de semana!
Hasta pronto :)!